"So," they say, "nobody's perfect!"
But the Vinedresser won't buy that.
Given the opportunity, He will trim the unproductive suckers and shape the branches so each one will bask in Sonlight.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Says Who?

Proverbs 20:6 Many a man proclaims his own loving-kindness and goodness, but a faithful man who can find? (Amplified) Just as I suspected! Watch closely, those who proclaim their wonderful walk with the Lord, their faithfulness in prayer, their sinless perfection. Glowing testimonies as often as not intimidate the audience. Like the Publican, when the Pharisee stood in the temple "thanking" God that he wasn't like the sinners, honest seekers listen with broken hearts, craving the kind of life that would produce such a wonderful relationship with God. The seeker, more often than not, doesn't realize that only foolishness toots its own horn. The wise, the holy ones, those intimate with God, only know how short they fall compared to God's perfect standard. And all they care about is becoming more like Jesus.

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