"So," they say, "nobody's perfect!"
But the Vinedresser won't buy that.
Given the opportunity, He will trim the unproductive suckers and shape the branches so each one will bask in Sonlight.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


        When my daughter asked what I thought of Mike Huckabee as a candidate for President of the United States of America, that was my reaction. But I jumped(figuratively) into my www.surfing.chair and clicked on the link she e-mailed me. As I read his positions on issues I consider crucial to our national survival, I found I couldn't disagree with a single position he took.
        I asked myself, "Where has this guy been hiding?" Not only does he passionately hold all the values I embrace, but he presents himself well in every respect. This guy looks presidential!
        For what it's worth, my blog will take the official position of supporting Mike Huckabee for president. I ask all my countless audience(you can't count zero) to seriously investigate this man and his positions on the truly important issues facing our society today. Pop psychology and trendy policies aren't even as therapeutic as a bandage on our wounded and broken nation. Only the most careful surgery, administered by a true statesman, can restore the greatness and world prestige we once enjoyed.
        So join me in carefully and prayerfully supporting the only candidate who speaks for those of us who still believe in a great United States of America:

Mike Huckabee for president

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Black Friday

        An anthropologist in the dim future--face it; the next minute is the invisible future--will puzzle over our name during this period of history for the day following Thanksgiving Day. How could the the only popular holiday that hasn't been coopted completely by retail interests spawn a day sufficiently sinister as to be dubbed, "Black Friday?" What could be so black about such an innocuous day?
        Both those who host that beastly day and those who participate in it have three options: 1, Don't. 2, Continue participating and quit grousing about it. 3, Continue participating and grousing if it makes them happy.