"So," they say, "nobody's perfect!"
But the Vinedresser won't buy that.
Given the opportunity, He will trim the unproductive suckers and shape the branches so each one will bask in Sonlight.

Friday, April 08, 2005


Bigger is better when you're writing commercial fiction. You have an idea. You have a worldview. Your idea reflects your worldview, so why not make your idea as big as your worldview? I have an opportunity to break the cycle of mediocrity that has held me captive, to embark on a journey that could dramatically change my life and my sphere of influence. That opportunity presents a choice: Will rise to the challenge? Or will I remain in my mediocre comfort zone? If I possess even the smallest spark of greatness, I know what the answer must be. But in that sentence, I placed the if at the wrong clause. It should read: If I choose the right answer, my nearly dormant spark of greatness will set me aflame. I know what the answer must be. Father, make me great in revealing Your greatness.

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