"So," they say, "nobody's perfect!"
But the Vinedresser won't buy that.
Given the opportunity, He will trim the unproductive suckers and shape the branches so each one will bask in Sonlight.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Spiral or Circle?

When we say we're spiraling we usually mean we're falling out of control. Like an airplane that's become unstable, only with deft flight control manipulation will the pilot correct the plummeting spiral to keep his ship and himself from augering into the earth. Circling, on the other hand, is a carefully controlled maneuver. Usually reserved for maintaining position, the pilot holds the circle's center directly above his destination. In which situation is the pilot working productively? In which situation is the pilot thrashing the controls uselessly? In which situation will knowledge of and acquiescence to the laws of physics save the pilot's physical life? Physical life, and the physical laws we must obey to preserve it, seem important. But most of us innately sense another realm of life, one for which this temporal life is nothing more than a preface. We have the sense of something else, something more enduring, something that makes this life of clocks and calendars seem as significant as a swirl of dust blown over the edge of the Grand Canyon. Through Psalm 95, the God Who Is gives us a sense of that eternal scope and the awe-full reverence with which we must approach it. He has reserved His rest, His eternal Sabbath, for those few who look beyond the swirl of dust to the Savior who bought us with His blood. He revealed the eternal, spiritual law by which we might pull out of our spiral unto death, to circle Him, praising for eternity.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

The Catholic Treasure Chest

Click on that link at your own risk. Obviously, since I included the link I must see some value in it. The site's author is a genius at Catholic apologetics, making the arguments for Catholic dogma seem compelling when they are, in fact, tentative at best. He cites history as one of the best sources of affirmation for the Roman sect, while it is its greatest indictment. We humans love a mystery. Why, then, should we be amazed at our attraction to mystical religion? And what more reason could we have for mystifying God's truths? I'm not saying that God should conform to our brand of reason so we will understand Him. He doesn't owe us that, or anything else. I'm saying we must accept His works--including the spiritual and physical laws He's established--without complicating them with our own speculations. Jesus called the little children to Himself, and inasmuch as our faith is childlike, that call includes us. Our confusion of childlikeness and childishness is both natural and tragic. Because they are exact opposites and coexist within every human being, they form the great dichotomy of human nature.

Friday, April 08, 2005


Bigger is better when you're writing commercial fiction. You have an idea. You have a worldview. Your idea reflects your worldview, so why not make your idea as big as your worldview? I have an opportunity to break the cycle of mediocrity that has held me captive, to embark on a journey that could dramatically change my life and my sphere of influence. That opportunity presents a choice: Will rise to the challenge? Or will I remain in my mediocre comfort zone? If I possess even the smallest spark of greatness, I know what the answer must be. But in that sentence, I placed the if at the wrong clause. It should read: If I choose the right answer, my nearly dormant spark of greatness will set me aflame. I know what the answer must be. Father, make me great in revealing Your greatness.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Death of and Icon

The worldwide pro-family movement suffers a devastating loss with the death of the Roman Pontiff, John Paul II. The morally conservative leader allowed no confusion about his stand on politically hot issues such as abortion, "free love," abstinence as the only effective means for controlling STDs and unplanned pregnancy, and many others. He was a true follower of Jesus, loving, and devoting his life to his Savior. John Paul II never seemed to worry about ruffling liberal political leaders' feathers, refusing to back down from his Biblical positions when faced with political and popular pressure. Religious and national leaders around the world praise his strength of conviction and moderating influence in world affairs. I've heard the Roman church may be pushing for a more "conciliatory" pope this time. If so, that would be exactly the wrong move in the currently shrinking, volatile global environment. With international, religious terrorism on one side, and media-driven, moral degeneration on the other, we need a potent moderating influence such as his now, more than ever.